Thursday, January 4, 2007

Maybe the carseat is just shrinking...

I realized after looking through all our pictures that I had Katy in her carseat exactly every 2mnths, which I think is fun to see how much she's grown (or how much the seat has shrunk!!) The first pic of Katy is at 2days old, coming home from the hospital. The 2nd was taken in Canada on Oct 18th (2mnths old), and the last one is Katy posing for her passport photo on Dec 18th (4mnths old). We had to drape a white towel over the carseat as they needed a white background... does it not seem strange that when Katy is 5 yrs old this will still be the photo in her passport?? As I mentioned in an earlier post, this carseat is not going to contain her for much longer!!

1 comment:

Chris Perryman said...

Great pictures! - and so very cute--reminds me of myself when I was an award winning baby!!!

"guess who?"