Katy happy in her big-girl stroller at church...
Out on a family walk...
Katy loves to stomp on her bath cushion as the water is draining...
Acting as supervisor while we do yardwork... "you missed a weed Mommy!"
Hanging out in her Sunday school class (it's 3 to 18mnths so the other kids are all walking)...
Sorry it's taken me so long to update with some pics... Blogger has been acting up on me, so I start trying to post and end up fighting with it... and then Katy needs me so I end up not getting back to it. Our poor girl has had her first real bout with being sick. She caught a nasty sounding cough on Feb.2nd, and a bit of a runny nose. I pulled out my stethoscope and listened to her chest last weekend, but thankfully her lungs sounded clear. Since her 6mnth checkup was only one week away, I decided last Monday to call and see if the doctor had an earlier opening. He happened to have something first thing last Tuesday morning (Feb. 6th), so in we went for 8:30 am. He confirmed her lungs were completely clear, and thought she looked great. So, she's had this bit of a cold, but besides being awoken occasionally because of coughing, she's still been pretty happy most of the time. Katy weighed in at 13lbs12oz (4oz more than she was one week before!) and she's now 27 inches long! She was all smiles for Dr. Kent, who thinks she is absolutely beautiful (we happen to agree) and growing perfectly. She still has a bit of a cough, but the junk in her nose seems gone, so I think she is mainly over her cold. And hopefully the cough too will disappear, although it always seems to be the thing that hangs on with everyone this cold season.This week Katy's Nanna (my mom) is coming into town for a 10 day visit, and to help with Katy-care while I work several days, and while Benji and I go on our annual anniversary trip to our favourite B&B in Capitola, The Inn at Depot Hill. It will be our 5th anniversary on Feb. 23rd!! We'll be staying in the same room we did on our wedding night, the Portofino room. Check out the Inn at http://www.innatdepothill.com/ . We absolutely love it there!! It will be my first night away from Katy, but I know she'll be in great hands with her Nanna, whom she had a great time with last month up in Moose Jaw. And I have an ample supply of breastmilk stockpiled in the freezer for her, so all should be fine in Katy-world. See you soon Nanna! Oh, and Grandad (also known as Papa by Jackson) will join Nanna here for the last 3 days or so, so luckily we get a chance to see him too! :)
Hey, I love the picture of Katy sitting on your front step. She looks so adorable! It makes me jealous that you can be outside walking with no coat on. It has been so freezing cold here the last couple of weeks! Anyways did you like the pics of Katy I posted? I thought they were pretty cute!
Katy weighed in at 8 lbs, 12oz???? I think you put her weight in wrong!!!! However, the pics are really cute. Wait till you see the little Mexx coat I brought her!!!!!
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