Monday, February 19, 2007

Katy is 6 mnths old... Here comes FOOD!

Katy turned 6mnths old yesterday (Feb.18th).
It is hard to believe 6 mnths has already flown by... the tiny newborn we brought home from the hospital is all grown up, and ready for food! Nanna has barely been able to wait to give Katy little tastes of this and that, so Saturday (Ok, one day early) we tried out some banana. The pictures don't do justice to the hilarious faces she made... but fortunately we also have it on video. She was definitely interested, and by the next day already seemed to have the idea of the spoon. Next up... we plan to try some carrots today. While we may do some cereal at some point, we're mainly just going to gradually introduce veggies and some fruits, ones that are high in iron for her. We're also just planning to make our own baby food. A friend gave us these neat trays that look like ice-cube trays, so you can mix up whatever and then freeze it in baby-size portions. Then, you just pop out a cube, thaw, and you're all set! And no, we didn't really let her eat the banana whole, but she did have fun sucking on it!

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