Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Katy's missing her Nanna & Papa
Monday, February 26, 2007
Our 5th Anniversary
We were so grateful for this gift to us... although I was afraid I'd be desparate to return to my baby after one night, I was really able to just relax and enjoy our time together, knowing Katy was in the best of hands. It was SO good to reconnect with my hubby of 5! years. Amazing to be there remembering just a year ago we were there and I was 3+ mths pregnant, still just getting over the remainder of morning sickness. In past years we visited Depot Hill with a twinge of sadness, expecting that we would have had a baby on the way, but instead in the midst of what would be 3 miscarriages. But this year there was no sadness, knowing we'd been blessed with a beautiful baby girl who was waiting for us at home.
We definitely enjoyed our two nights... fireplace in our room, private hot tub out on our garden terrace, gourmet breakfasts served to our room, strolling around Capitola, enjoying clam chowder and a veggie burger at our favourite spot along the beach, playing cribbage in a coffeeshop, wine tasting one night at the Shadowbrook followed by our anniversary dinner back there the following evening. It was a wonderful, romantic two nights, spent with the man that is a devoted husband & father, and my best friend. Benji, I know I don't say it enough, but I love you very much! Thanks for loving me so well, and for always taking such good care of your girls. Happy 5th anniversary... looking forward to the next 5 with you.
Katy's 6 mnth update...
Katy is also *this* close to sitting on her own. She can do it for a bit, but sometimes starts to fall over to the side. She can, of course, roll over whichever way as she pleases. She has become quite the chatterbox, as anybody who has seen her in the last month or two can attest to. And I think we have an early-to-bed, early-to-rise girl on our hands! As of the day Katy turned exactly 6mnths old, she has been sleeping through the entire night, in her own crib. Some of you may remember we tried her crib out awhile back, but I ended up keeping her in with us for awhile longer. It was mainly just nice for me... since then if she needed feeding I could just reach over and pull her in with me from her cosleeper. But as you know, after we returned from Canada we stopped the night feedings altogether. She was doing pretty well, but still usually waking up at 4:30 or 5am for awhile. Decided to see if moving her to her own room might help her sleep... who can blame anybody for waking up with daddy snoring in such close proximity??
So Katy has now had a full week in her own crib at night, and she has done beautifully! If we are home, she is in bed between 6-7pm, and wakes up usually just after 6am! We usually here her over the monitor chatting away, and then starting to cry out if I don't go get her for breakfast. So I bring her back to bed with me so she can eat and I can snooze a bit more. When she is done eating, if we are still lying there, she will lay there in between us, talking non-stop and reaching out and touching our faces. You can just tell she's saying, "Time to get up guys!"
Yesterday, since she is doing so well in her crib, decided it was time to pack up Katy's cosleeper... a little odd and a little sad not to have it and her next to me by our bed anymore... my little girl is all grown-up! :) Time to put it away until the next baby... and no! that won't be any time soon!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Katy is 6 mnths old... Here comes FOOD!
It is hard to believe 6 mnths has already flown by... the tiny newborn we brought home from the hospital is all grown up, and ready for food! Nanna has barely been able to wait to give Katy little tastes of this and that, so Saturday (Ok, one day early) we tried out some banana. The pictures don't do justice to the hilarious faces she made... but fortunately we also have it on video. She was definitely interested, and by the next day already seemed to have the idea of the spoon. Next up... we plan to try some carrots today. While we may do some cereal at some point, we're mainly just going to gradually introduce veggies and some fruits, ones that are high in iron for her. We're also just planning to make our own baby food. A friend gave us these neat trays that look like ice-cube trays, so you can mix up whatever and then freeze it in baby-size portions. Then, you just pop out a cube, thaw, and you're all set!
Visiting with Nanna...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Our Valentine's Day
So on Valentine's Day, I was going to work and Benji was staying home with Katy. As I was getting ready I noticed a pretty gift bag sitting out, and inside was a beautiful card and a TON of all sorts of delicious milk chocolate and truffles. Yummy! I then gave Benji his gift bag... only "gadget boys" will appreciate his present, as it was this fancy alarm clock/20 kinds of white noise/Ipod player/radio from Sharper Image. We had actually first noticed one in our hotel where we stayed during our Christmas in LA, and Benji had been quite impressed by it. Those of you who know Benji know that his Video Ipod are ALWAYS connected to him and ALWAYS in use, so this will be put to good use. And he was ready to kill his old alarm clock, as it periodically was not bothering to go off in the morning.
Off I went to work after our gift exchange. My lunch break ended up being a good 3 hrs, so I came home and suggested we could go out for lunch, all 3 of us. If you live in this area, you know that restaurants are CRAZY busy and ridiculously overpriced for dinner on V-day, so we weren't going to attempt to do that, but lunch sounded like a nice idea. And so it was... we had a wonderful Italian lunch including champagne and dessert for a total of $35! Katy was very good... played with the sugars for awhile and then went to sleep for the last half of our meal.
Then I returned to work just for a couple of hours. When I came home, we got Katy to bed and then enjoyed smoked salmon, cheese and crackers with some more champagne. All in all, a wonderful Valentine's Day!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
recent Katy pics and the week's update...
Out on a family walk...
This week Katy's Nanna (my mom) is coming into town for a 10 day visit, and to help with Katy-care while I work several days, and while Benji and I go on our annual anniversary trip to our favourite B&B in Capitola, The Inn at Depot Hill. It will be our 5th anniversary on Feb. 23rd!! We'll be staying in the same room we did on our wedding night, the Portofino room. Check out the Inn at http://www.innatdepothill.com/ . We absolutely love it there!! It will be my first night away from Katy, but I know she'll be in great hands with her Nanna, whom she had a great time with last month up in Moose Jaw. And I have an ample supply of breastmilk stockpiled in the freezer for her, so all should be fine in Katy-world. See you soon Nanna! Oh, and Grandad (also known as Papa by Jackson) will join Nanna here for the last 3 days or so, so luckily we get a chance to see him too! :)
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Katy update
We are also working on her sleep routine, and trying to cancel out middle-of-the-night feedings. We got a little off track while in Moose Jaw, as mid-way through our week there Katy started waking up pretty much every 2 hrs!?!? As I was sick, I didn't want to be awake more than necessary, so I would just feed her as that puts her right back to sleep. However, not the best habit... as she definitely does not need feeding that often at night! Before that, she was still usually feeding one time, but returning right back to sleep. That I could handle, but the every 2 hrs, or even a couple times a night, had to stop!! So I chatted with the breastfeeding specialist about it, and with that I was fairly confident Katy should be able to do at least a 7-8 hr stretch, if not more. I think I was partly to blame for encouraging night feedings, as when a baby wakes up and is fussy in the middle of the night, one tends to just want the quickest way possible for getting them to go back to sleep! Which, of course, was reaching over and pulling her into bed with us (she is usually in a cosleeper right next to our bed on my side) and hooking her up! Then we both could fall back to sleep.
So... I figured now that we were home, and I could manage a few tough nights, I was going to try to wean her off of nights and encourage longer stretches. So my rules... if she was just sort of fussy or making a little noise, or calling out, or a momentary cry, I'd let that go and not feed her. Only if the cry elevated to a full-out cry and didn't fairly quickly come back down would I assume she then must really be hungry. Otherwise, I'd just let her work it out on her own (while being right there), and maybe at the most just stroke her head or hold her hand to give a little comfort, without the feeding, to encourage her to return to sleep.
Our progress so far?? Last night she slept for close to 11 hrs straight without a feeding, or even needing me to pop her pacifier back in or anything!!! :) :) :) It was only the 2nd night since I decided I would try this, so I was pretty amazed. Of course, I kept waking up, sure that at any moment she'd be fussing, but barely a peep all night. I do think she was awake momentarily around 3am, but just a little movement and no cries or fussing, and after a few minutes she was completely still again. The first night, she went down around 8:30, but by 11:30 was pretty persistently crying, so I fed her hoping than she'd be set for the night. Around 5am, she began fussing. I just layed there as still as could be... but the fussing continued on and off, so at 5:30 I started stroking her forehead etc and SSSHHHHing her. Finally, by 6am, she was back to sleep, and woke up happy just after 8am. So she did make it over 8 hrs that first night without a feed, but we did have that hour of fussing.
I was convinced yesterday she must be close to cutting a tooth... Katy seemed exhausted in the afternoon and evening, in spite of good naps. She was desparate to be sucking or chewing on something, and seemed a little flushed and warm. So I was actually bracing myself for a tough 2nd night on my plan... but she was an angel! Straight to sleep without a fuss after her 8pm feeding, and woke up happy but hungry at 7am today. And then she went right down for a good 90 min nap at 9am! That's my girl!!! I still think her gums are bugging her a bit, but she's a trooper.
She should actually be just about ready for another nap now... she's been playing next to me in her Bumbo as I type. So I'll sign off for now, but I'll try to add a few more pics soon!