Friday, June 1, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame...

Katy went to her first Giants game (not counting ones in-utero) on May 4th. For those of you not from the Bay Area, the home of the San Francisco Giants, AT&T park, has got to be the most beautiful ballpark in the country. It sits right on the bay, so on a nice day you have the most incredible views, including even the Golden Gate bridge. We're going to another game in June with my parents against the Blue Jays, so if the weather cooperates, I'll try to get a good pic of the view to post here.

It was the most gorgeous night we have ever experienced in SF... once the sun goes down, nights in the city are usually COLD. And I do mean COLD... even for a Canuck! But this night, it stayed warm... 85 degrees at night is UNHEARD of in SF. We were all decked out in Giants attire. Even Katy was wearing a cute Giants Nike outfit, courtesy of her Titi Lisa. Although we didn't win, it was an exciting game, and Katy seemed to enjoy herself. When she is surrounded by people, just like the engagement party, she managed to stay awake for the entire 9 innings. She did startle and cry momentarily a couple of times when everybody suddenly yelled out after something happened, but she recovered very quickly. And, of course, she spent a good part of the game flirting with the guy sitting next to us. I think, however, she was slightly puzzled as to why all those people in the stands were staring down at the field and not at her!

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