Monday, May 7, 2007

Next up... Katy heads North, back up to Canada

I warned you there would be alot of updating to do! As mentioned earlier, Katy's Nana and Titi Lisa departed on April 17th, and the very next day, Katy and I headed back up to Canada for her third visit to the booming metropolis of Moose Jaw, SK. Poor Daddy had to again stay behind to work. Although Benji was not at all happy with being a childless bachelor for another 8 days, he generously let us go so all the Perryman side could see Katy again. Katy and I had last visited in January, but since 3 mnths can bring such big changes in the life of a baby, everyone was eagerly waiting our (Katy's) return to her Canadian roots.

Nanna (my mom) and Auntie Samantha (my youngest sister) met us at the airport in Regina. I have to take a moment to brag about how well Katy did, once again, on all the legs of our flight. She was the social butterfly of the plane, especially with the men and any other children she saw. Flying gets a little more challenging the older and more mobile and into absolutely everything Katy gets, but I can't complain, because she is so easy to keep happy, which of course the other passengers appreciate! It was late by the time we arrived home in Moose Jaw, so we had to wait until the following day to see everybody else.

Katy's cousin, 3 1/2 yr old Jackson, arrived at Nanna's house the following morning. From our bedroom downstairs I could hear him asking, "Where's Baby Katy?" He was so excited to see her! I can not say enough about how good Jackson was, all week long, playing with her. He loved that she could sit and play with toys with him, and that she would smile so big, just for him. Katy also always wanted to touch him and kiss him, which he liked, except for the baby drool. "She spittin'... that Ucky" :) They had to much fun together, playing with his cars (which were Katy's favourite toys!), going out to McDonald's, and having bathtime together. Jackson was a little concerned about Katy's lack of teeth, informing me that if Katy did not get teeth soon, she would need to go see a dentist.

Speaking of McDonald's, this is where Katy got her first culinary experience of french fries! Nanna decided Katy just had to try some, which of course delighted Katy! I tried, on the whole, to limit Katy's new tasting adventures courtesy of Nanna, but I gave in on this one. It's just potatoes, right?!?

It was just a really nice, really relaxing week with family. Katy and I stayed at my parent's house, but visited my sisters as well. Lauren lives right across the street, so Katy and Jackson played together at both places, as well as having baths together most nights. Samantha & Brad live one block over and one block down, so we enjoyed a yummy Italian dinner one night at their place.

I think I'll do a separate post of photos of Katy & Jackson, as there are so many! Thanks to Nanna & Papa for treating us to this visit, and to Nanna for all the meals she put on for the entire Perryman clan! Looking forward to all 3 of us coming this summer for some cottage-by-the-lake time. Katy will love it.

OK, I was going to add a few more family pics, but that feature on blogger isn't working at the moment. So for now, I'll post this, and put up pictures as soon as I can!

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