Friday, May 4, 2007

Is it May already???

Ok ok, so I know this update and the many more posts and pics about to come are quite belated. I am going to try to get caught up here, but Katy had SUCH a busy April! I managed to tell you about our fun visit with Gwenda & Natalie. The reason you have not yet heard from us is their departure, back on April 10th, was not the end of our family visits. Next up... Benji's family! That same morning (4/10), Katy's Uncle David & Auntie Sharon flew in from LA just to see her for the day! Not even an hour after they left, that same evening, Katy's Nana Tittle and Titi Lisa (Benji's mom and sister) flew in from Calexico, to stay with us for a week. They departed on April 17th. The very next day, Katy and I flew to Canada for Katy's 3rd visit to Moose Jaw to see the Perryman crew. We arrived home about a week ago, on Thursday, April 26th. Amidst of all these family visits, there were many fun events and milestones: Katy's 1st Easter, completing our 6 wk "Sign with your baby" class, Katy taking San Francisco by storm, eating french fries (???) and of course turning 8 mnths old on April 18th, just to name a few! And to go out of April with a bang, Katy just danced the night away this past Sunday at an engagement party.

So the 8 mnth stats??? Katy jumped to 14lbs, 11oz, and is approx 27 1/2" long. She is now quite possibly the most flirtatious little baby girl any of us have ever seen! She continually picks out the male species wherever we go... in the mall, at a restaurant, on the plane, at a party... anywhere. She then proceeds to get his attention by these huge smiles and squealing and coy little looks. And overall, she is just a very happy, very extroverted little girl. She is not crawling, but she is beginning to go from sitting over into somewhat of a crawl position, or turns and begins sort of climbing up on me. So I can sense that mobility is just around the corner... uh oh!! Her fine motor skills are very impressive - Cheerios now disappear in the blink of an eye. She is even more animated, and has lots of sounds. Her current favourite is "Ba-ba-ba", as if she is starting the song "Ba-ba-ba, ba-Barbaran. And Katy really seems to enjoy music and dancing.

Ok, so this was just the intro to a bunch of posts to cover our very full but very fun April. So stay tuned... I'm about to go post & pic crazy!!!

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