Saturday, May 26, 2007

Katy's 9mnth update!

So I attempted yesterday to start posting photos from several events in May, but once again, blogger would not cooperate. In about an hour the 3 of us are heading to the airport to fly to Portland, to spend Memorial Day weekend with Benji's Uncle Keith & Tia Debbie. It will be Katy's first time meeting them, as well as Benji's cousins, Nathan & Karalee. Since we're all packed, and Katy is napping, I thought I'd at least give you her 9 mnth update. Once we get back from Vancouver, WA (just across the bridge from Portland) next Tuesday, I'll work at getting more pics up.
Katy turned 9mnths old on May 18th, and has now officially doubled her birth weight. She was 15lbs 3 oz when I weighed her at our breastfeeding support group on May 15th. Her biggest news... her first tooth is on it's way! The day she turned 9 mnths, I noticed a little hole on the bottom left front. Two days later, I noticed another hole on the right front as well, and you could begin to feel a tiny sharp point coming through that first hole. It is not quite all the way through yet, but you can now see the top edge of that bottom left tooth, and I think the right one will be right behind it. Our poor baby has obviously been in some discomfort... she wants to be cuddled more than usual, and she has been uncharacteristically fussy in the late afternoons the last couple of days. So any day now, our little girl should have teeth!

But on the whole, our Katy is still her very happy, flirtatious self. She LOVES to wave, and it's a princess/beauty pageant sort of wave, which of course charms everyone. Mother's Day weekend we introduced the sippy cup, which she had figured it immediately. A couple of days later, she was sucking water from the straw in my water bottle like an old pro. So we got her a little rubbermaid drink box that has a straw, and she loves it. She just gulps the water down - it's now one of her favourite things. It also continually amazes us how she can pack away the food for such a petite little thing. A couple of new foods recently added are yogurt and chicken. She is definitely showing preferences for certain foods, now that she has an increasingly bigger repertoire. If she doesn't trust what I'm giving her, she'll dip her tongue in the spoon to see if it meets her fancy. So I sometimes have to get creative with combining a well-liked food (which is typically anything that she can chew) with a not-so-loved item (such as avocado, or anything in puree form).

Over the past couple of weeks, Katy has been to her first Major League baseball game, watching the Giants in San Francisco one beautiful, warm evening at the ballpark. We unfortunately did not win, but it was an exciting game, and she enjoyed flirting with the guy sitting next to us. She's also been to her first disco, at an event called "Baby Loves Disco" last weekend... a nightclub is transformed into a disco for children 6 mnths to 7 yrs old for an afternoon. Katy very much enjoyed a 4-day visit with her Auntie Samantha, who arrived last Sunday and left just this past Thursday morning. Thanks for lending her to us Uncle Brad! And, of course, we celebrated our first Mother's Day together. The picture is the two of us celebrating it with Daddy at one of our favourite restaurants - Pasta Pomodoro. And I'll soon post more pictures from all these events - just stay tuned!

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