Saturday, May 26, 2007
Katy's 9mnth update!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Our social little girl...
Playing with friends at the library lapsit
While the adults prepare for another episode of "24" at our weekly Monday night gathering with our friends Mark & Michelle, Katy gets some playtime in with their son Drew just before they both go to bed.
Kissing Katy
April 7th: Katy & Judah (2yrs old) embrace in our livingroom
April 14th: Katy & Henry, while waiting to be seated at a restaurant with our friends, Jason & Kari and their 4 yr old daughter, Cosette.
Katy and Aarnav (2 1/2 yrs old)
Katy & Jackson at bathtime
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Katy hanging out with the Perryman side...
Monday, May 7, 2007
Next up... Katy heads North, back up to Canada
It was just a really nice, really relaxing week with family. Katy and I stayed at my parent's house, but visited my sisters as well. Lauren lives right across the street, so Katy and Jackson played together at both places, as well as having baths together most nights. Samantha & Brad live one block over and one block down, so we enjoyed a yummy Italian dinner one night at their place.
I think I'll do a separate post of photos of Katy & Jackson, as there are so many! Thanks to Nanna & Papa for treating us to this visit, and to Nanna for all the meals she put on for the entire Perryman clan! Looking forward to all 3 of us coming this summer for some cottage-by-the-lake time. Katy will love it.
OK, I was going to add a few more family pics, but that feature on blogger isn't working at the moment. So for now, I'll post this, and put up pictures as soon as I can!
And MORE visitors!
Katy really enjoyed her time with her Nana Tittle too. Nana babysat one morning while Benji and I went out, and she and Katy were having a great time together when we arrived home! It was an added bonus to have some more fluent Spanish speakers in the home, since we are hoping that Katy will be bilingual. Daddy always speaks Spanish to her, but she usually hears way more English conversing, so it was nice to have hear others speaking Spanish. The last day before they had to return home, Diana and I took Katy for an 8-mnth photo shoot, and Nana very generously bought us a great photo package... there were just so many cute shots!
It was another wonderful visit with family. Katy just loved having their company, and they will definitely be missed. Thanks for coming to see us!
Our one-day visit with David & Sharon
Our time with David & Sharon, although too brief, was really nice. Katy obviously enjoyed her visit with them, and it was wonderful to see them. Thanks for taking a day out of your crazy schedules to come see us! We know it isn't easy... not only do they have their full-time jobs to contend with, David is now acting in a play in LA. But since that visit, we also got to spend a Sunday morning with Sharon, during a layover in San Jose (Sharon is the other member of the family working for Alaska Airlines). We're crossing our fingers hoping for more such times in months ahead!
Katy having fun with her Tio David and the puppy they bought her for Christmas
Playing with toys and friends at the library after the lapsit
Friday, May 4, 2007
Katy's First Easter
Katy in her Easter outfit
Is it May already???
So the 8 mnth stats??? Katy jumped to 14lbs, 11oz, and is approx 27 1/2" long. She is now quite possibly the most flirtatious little baby girl any of us have ever seen! She continually picks out the male species wherever we go... in the mall, at a restaurant, on the plane, at a party... anywhere. She then proceeds to get his attention by these huge smiles and squealing and coy little looks. And overall, she is just a very happy, very extroverted little girl. She is not crawling, but she is beginning to go from sitting over into somewhat of a crawl position, or turns and begins sort of climbing up on me. So I can sense that mobility is just around the corner... uh oh!! Her fine motor skills are very impressive - Cheerios now disappear in the blink of an eye. She is even more animated, and has lots of sounds. Her current favourite is "Ba-ba-ba", as if she is starting the song "Ba-ba-ba, ba-Barbaran. And Katy really seems to enjoy music and dancing.
Ok, so this was just the intro to a bunch of posts to cover our very full but very fun April. So stay tuned... I'm about to go post & pic crazy!!!