Friday, September 21, 2007

13 mnth update

I'm a few days late, but it's time for Katy's 13mnth update. This past month can be summed up as the "mobility month." Katy turned 1 and apparently decided, "Ok, it's time for me to get going!" One month ago she was just barely crawling a few steps here & there. 10 days after turning 1, right as we were heading for a week visit in Canada, Katy began pulling herself up to standing. (I will post photos from our visit there soon!) Only a few weeks later, and there is no stopping her... she now crawls all over the house, pulls herself up on anything and anyone, and even takes small steps while holding onto furniture or our hands.

Katy is as social as ever, saying "Hi!" to random people we pass on the street or in stores. And she'll keep saying it until she is acknowledged! Katy loves her stuffed animals and teddy bears... every morning we find her happily hugging each one. Katy will also hold her dolls just like a baby - on one shoulder while patting their backs as if to burp them - too cute!!

If there is a cupboard or drawer to open and empty, Katy will find it! It has definitely been a fun month... but gone are my days of sitting her down and knowing she'll stay in one place! Changing her diaper has now changed into a mini-battle each time, as she immediately rolls over and sits up, hangs over her change-table, or starts crawling away if we're on the floor. What happened to my cooperative little baby?? And this new phase of mobility isn't going anywhere... I'm sure Katy's first steps are not be too far in the future! So stay tuned...

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