On Nov. 21st we celebrated Benji's 34th birthday.
Hopefully, while I was unable to post news here online, you have all received our Christmas card & letter. A couple were returned with incorrect addresses, so if you didn't get one, I'm sorry!! Send me your current address and I will send one on... later is better than never, right??
We were away from Dec. 6th to 21st... in St Pete's Beach until the 11th, and then we drove to Fort Lauderdale to join my family for a 10 day cruise to the Southern Caribbean. We had a wonderful holiday, and Katy especially thoroughly enjoyed every single bit of it. She turned 16mnths while we were cruising. It was a great time to be with family, as both Benji's relatives and my family got to watch Katy go from taking just a few steps to getting pretty good at walking (ship swaying at all... this 1yr old has great sea legs!!).
The video clip is the day there was a definite big step made... our last full day in St Pete's Beach, Dec. 10th... suddenly Katy was more confident and taking off on her own, and even stood up all by herself, without pulling up on anything.
Katy continues to astonish everybody with her verbal and signing skills, and her obvious comprehension demonstrated by her ability to respond appropriately to questions or directions. She can put two words together, such as "Hi Daddy!", or "My Mommy". She even has a few Spanish words, such as "Hola!" and "mas" (more). Just in the two weeks we were gone, we daily heard more and more vocabulary.
I will post more about our vacation in future posts, as well as some more videos and pictures. I have already posted photo albums on Facebook from our cruise and Christmas. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and Happy New Year!